Liqun Peng

Postdoctoral Researcher @ Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

I am a postdoc in the Energy Technology Area at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. My research focuses on clean energy transition, energy and climate policies, power system modeling, and sustainability. I obtained my PhD in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy from the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University in January 2023. During my PhD, I employed interdisciplinary approaches, including optimization models, atmospheric chemistry models, and life cycle assessment, to quantify the trade-offs in deploying clean energy and low-carbon technologies, with a focus on energy transition, environmental impact and climate implications.

Prior to attending Princeton University, I received a Master’s degree in Environmental Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University, where I developed an emission inventory of air pollutant and GHG emissions in China’ rural residential sector based on national level survey data and applied atmospheric chemistry models to evaluate the impacts of emission mitigation policies on air quality. I hold undergraduate degrees in Forestry and Ecology from Beijing Forestry University.

selected publications

  1. Subsidizing Grid-Based Electrolytic Hydrogen Will Increase Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Coal Dominated Power Systems
    Liqun Peng, Yang Guo, Shangwei Liu, Gang He, and Denise L Mauzerall
    Environmental Science & Technology, 2024
  2. Heterogeneous effects of battery storage deployment strategies on decarbonization of provincial power systems in China
    Nature communications, 2023
  3. Alternative-energy-vehicles deployment delivers climate, air quality, and health co-benefits when coupled with decarbonizing power generation in China
    Liqun Peng, Feiqi Liu, Mi Zhou, Mingwei Li, Qiang Zhang, and Denise L Mauzerall
    One Earth, 2021
  4. Underreported coal in statistics: A survey-based solid fuel consumption and emission inventory for the rural residential sector in China
    Liqun Peng, Qiang Zhang, Zhiliang Yao, Denise L Mauzerall, Sicong Kang, Zhenyu Du, Yixuan Zheng, Tao Xue, and Kebin He
    Applied Energy, 2019